Meet the Team
Behind HBA Rebates

About Us
In 2002, Supply and Install LLC was founded by Richard and Rich Robinson to help small to mid-size Builders be rewarded for their loyalty the same way as the largest volume Builders. In 2006, with 12 participating Manufacturers, they partnered with the Pennsylvania and Michigan Home Builders Associations becoming their Member Rebate Program. Today, the Member Rebate Program is a member benefit of 44 State HBA’s and over 500 Local HBA’s. There are dozens of participating Manufacturers exclusive to their given product category.

Our Founders

Richard Robinson
Our President, Richard Robinson, is a 2nd generation HBA member, Statesman Spike and leading Spike in the history of the New Jersey Builders Association. He is a Life Director on the Board at both the Shore Builders Association of Central NJ and the NJ Builders Association. He is currently a member of the HBA of Greater Savannah. Prior to founding this company, Richard founded a successful chain of lumberyards in New Jersey.

Rich Robinson
Our Vice-President, Rich Robinson, is a 3rd generation HBA member. He was the 2018 National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Young Professionals Committee Chair, the 2020 NAHB Membership Committee Chair, and currently is a member of the NAHB Associates Committee. He serves on the Builders Association of Northern NJ and the New Jersey Builders Association (NJBA) Board of Directors. He is an Associate Delegate on the NAHB Leadership Council and serves as an NJ BUILD-PAC (Advocacy) Trustee. In 2019, Rich was inducted in the NAHB Society of Honored Associates and in 2020, he was named the NAHB Associate of the Year. In 2022 & 2023, Rich served as the NAHB National Associate Chair.
Rich lives at the Jersey Shore with his wife and 3 daughters.
Together, Richard and Rich understand the importance of recruitment and especially retention in the HBA
Our Team Leaders

Doug Hazard
Senior Relationship Manager
Doug Hazard has over 25 years experience in the Construction Industry which include roles as a National Purchasing Manager working with manufacturers, a Regional Purchasing Manager and as a Construction Manager for a National Home Builder. Doug lives at the Jersey Shore with his wife and three children.

Josh Shields
Builder/Remodeler Manager
Josh Shields has been with HBA Rebates for over 10 years, handling multiple roles during his time here. Josh currently oversees the team on all HBA Builder – Remodeler member communications and support.
Josh lives at the Jersey Shore with his wife and daughter.

Kim Klein
HBA Manager
Kim Klein has been the HBA Manager with HBA Rebates since 2015. Kim plays the primary role of relationship building and support to State and Local HBAs. Prior to becoming an HBA Rebates team member, Kim worked for nearly a decade in the multi-family building and property management industry holding various marketing and sales positions. Kim is a member of NJBA and PWB of the Garden State.

Jacky O'Hara
Lead Support Specialist
Jacky has been with HBA Rebates since October 2018, working directly with our Builder Members to assist them with any aspects of the claiming process, including creating Pre-Populated Customized claim forms to streamline the process for them. She resides at the Jersey shore with her husband and two children.

Karen Duncan
Claims Manager
Karen has been a part of the the HBA Rebates team since April of 2016. Karen is our Claims Manager, overseeing the team on all Rebate Claims received and inputting them into our database.
Karen is a lifelong resident of the Jersey Shore, currently living in Manasquan with my husband of over 20 years.

Danielle Killane
Data Entry Specialist & Bookkeeper
Danielle Killane has been a part of the Team at the Member Rebate Program since July 2021. Danielle is a Data Entry Specialist/Bookkeeper; inputting claims received into our database and processing payments for our Builders. Danielle is a lifelong resident of the Jersey Shore, currently living in Freehold with her husband and children.
I just got my confirmation for the 2nd Quarter 2014. It will more than pay my HBA dues for the next several years and we have two more quarters to go this year!
Well worth spending just a few moments each quarter to pickup this free money. If you’re not participating, then you are leaving money on the table. Don’t let your wife find out what you’re losing out on.
Drew Retz
Jerry’s Home (IA)
Our experience with the Member Rebate Program has been extremely rewarding and pleasurable. Although there was a learning curve in providing the proper data, we have found the process is very easy to follow to reap the benefits.
Great idea and fantastic recruitment tool for the further!
Frank Homes
Morse Home Inc. (LA)
For a small investment in time, it’s well worth applying for there bate. My rebates average about $900 per quarter. And once you apply the first time, you look forward to doing it again – especially when you receive that check. In one year, the amount that I get back through this rebate program is more than triple what I spend on membership dues.
John Ainslie
The Ainslie Group (VA)
After hearing about the rebate program for several years I decided to check it out last year (2013). My first check from the 4th Quarter was over $1,000.00! I didn’t change any of the purchase decision that I had been making because I was already using the products.
As far as I was concerned it was ‘free’ money. It was a bonus that more than paid for my membership to the WestTNHBA.
I would recommend the program to all Builder member of the HBA.
Dave Tucker
D&D Custom Homes, LLC (TN)
We have received well over $7,000 the past year and look forward to doing the same in the future.
Initial setup was quick and easy, subsequent quarterly submittals took only minutes to complete and the checks just keep rolling. It is not often you find suppliers willing to continuously pay you to use their products.
Every homebuilder in Virginias would be taking advantage of this program it’s the easiest money we ever made!
Milke Badashania
Boyd Homes (VA)
It is great to get another benefit on products that we already use and trust. This pays for my local HBAmembership and then some. If I had known how easy it was to obtain, I would have started long ago.
Pamela Jewell
Blenker Construction Inc. (WI)
We have enjoyed the benefits of the NCHBA Member Rebate Program for over a year now. Submitting rebate request forms has become streamlined and painless, and our returns continue to increase each quarter. Since the Manufactures that participate are well known, established companies, producing high-quality products, we are considering them specifically in more of our projects. These rebates, however small or large, have served to offset some of our increased operating costs in these difficult times.
The Member Rebate Program is well worth the effort it takes to participate.
Geoffrey Bowen
Princeton Builders (NC)
What a great program! It’s so easy to use and get money back from Manufactures for using products. All members should signup for this program. It’s not only benefits the member but also the Local and State HBA.
Frank Krause
Krause Construction (SD)
For the $1,138 we received in rebates, it has ben well worth it. I just sent the application to my subcontractors who had the products in our homes and let them fill it out.
I then simply compiled all of the info and sent it in.
Tom Schaefer
Signature Homes (WI)
So I decided to look in to this free deal and figured the paperwork would make it not worth my time…. Well, it took less than 30 minutes and we got back $200.00 last quarter!
Jeff Dworkin
JLD Custom Homes (TX)
Another great perk being a member of the HBA! We are not a large business, but we get a nice little check every quarter for what we were buying any way! One more reason we have for belonging!
Sherry Krodel
HOME-TIME Renovation LLC (PA)
To all my fellow builders, if you are not using the HBARebate Program, you are missing out on some easy money. I am just a small Builder, and we take the 15 minutes to complete our rebate claim form online. I just got my 1st Quarter rebate check for $211.50, not bad money for 15 minutes. I am considering starting a business of filling out the claim forms for other Builders as I could make a lot more money than building houses. Take advantage of the rebate program, It works!!
Brooke Rush
David Brooke Rush Builders (PA)
The HBARebate Program has allowed us to get a little more profit on our home sales. We don’t buy anything extra, just rebates on the products we were already purchasing. They have setup the program where it is easy to use and does not take a lot of time to submit. Then we just sit back and wait for the check to come in.
Penny Moses
Goodwyn Building Co. Inc. (AL)
I have personally recruited 3 new members into the local HBA using this rebate program as an added incentive last quarter.
How can anyone argue free rebates if you’re already a member.
Bill Clipse
Meander Homes Construction Inc. (OH)
Our last quarterly rebate check nearly covered half of our yearly dues. It’s like getting free money from our suppliers.
The HBAV Builder Rebate Program is a wonderful benefit for our local HBAR members. Keep up the good work!
Leo Lantz
Leo Lantz Construction, Inc. (VA)

Check out our INSIGHTS Magazine. It’s packed with tons of great content on what our manufacturers can do for your builds, and what HBA Rebates can do for your bottom line.