For over 25 years, Panasonic has developed advanced indoor air quality (IAQ) solutions that promote better IAQ and healthy home building. Panasonic produces the highest quality, most efficient and environmentally friendly products available in the market today. We do this by designing, engineering, and manufacturing in our own facilities.
On our mission is meaningful innovation and superior energy efficiency are achieved through engineering expertise; provided by a company who sets the standard for quality and value. At Panasonic, we’re helping green builders design beyond code and comply with the nation’s strictest green building standards, including CA Title 24, LEED, CALGreen and ENERGY STAR.
Rely on a Higher Power
Panasonic is known around the world for offering the quietest ENERGY STAR® fans in the industry! Our ventilation fans give you the power to virtually eliminate all the problems associated with under-performing ventilation. The power to remove unhealthy air and meet ventilation code on every project. The power to reduce callbacks and guarantee customer satisfaction. Most importantly, the power to build healthy homes that make healthy living a reality.
ENERGY STAR® Certified IAQ Solutions
Award Winning Commitment to Innovation
An ENERGY STAR® partner since 2010 with a proven long-term commitment to energy efficiency, Panasonic plays an active role supporting future improvements to ENERGY STAR ventilation products. At the same time, we’re continually improving our IAQ solutions to exceed standards for healthy, eco-friendly homes.
Cost Effective, Code Compliant ERV for Any Climate Zone
We now manufacture Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs) that have some of the highest efficiencies in the market.
Customizable balanced ventilation for single-family and multi-family projects. Deliver healthy homes and apartments on every project.
Tightly built homes and buildings utilizing exhaust only fans can create negative pressure. Panasonic ERV solutions solve this by supplying air to replace exhausted air, helping to balance air pressure within the home. Our ERVs provide balanced ventilation options that remove stale, contaminated indoor air and replace it with fresh filtered air from outdoors for healthy living in every space. Combine them with our compatible Swidget controls that monitor, detect, and auto-activate for powerful performance, with exclusive smart sensing technology.
Indoor and outdoor air pass through Panasonic’s patented capillary core designed to transfer heat and moisture. This process tempers supply air while balancing moisture levels inside to outside. The core’s high latent energy (moisture) transfer makes our ERVs ideal for use in most climate zones, as it helps expel moisture during incidences of high relative humidity (RH) and helps return moisture back inside during the winter for a healthier, more comfortable living environment.
Powerful Ventilation and IAQ Solutions
See our full line of Ventilation, Purification, Energy Recovery Ventilators, Dryer Exhaust Duct Ventilators, Inline Fans, Smart Controls & Devices and more at
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